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"Paper Converting Technology For Better Products, Better Prices | Blog "

Norkol’s continued effort to beef up the equipment arsenal that keeps our operation turning — literally — shouldn’t come as a surprise. Leveraging technology to solve problems and improve service has been part of the Norkol brand since the early days of Norbert and Mary Ellen’s converting operation. To keep our customers and partners in the loop on our growing paper converting services, here’s an [...]

"50 Years of Norkol: Looking Back and Looking Ahead | Norkol Blog "

The Norkol dream started 50 years ago in 1968 with the ambition and creativity of Norbert and Mary Ellen Kolinski. Since our beginning as a small, Midwestern converting services operation, Norbert and May Ellen’s problem-solving spirit drove our brand and kept us innovating. Today, Norkol stands as one of America’s largest independently owned converters and providers of paper and packaging solutio [...]

"Packaging Has A Role At Every Stage of Product Development | Norkol Blog "

Marketing professionals and branding experts may naturally place greater emphasis on consumer-facing packaging, but packaging experts know that paper and plastic serves a role at every stage in the realization of a consumer product, from manufacturing and transport, to retail marketing efficacy and shelf-life predictions. Though the breadth of industries served by behind-the-scenes paper and plast [...]

Paper or Plastic Packaging? | Norkol Blog

Paper or plastic? The phrase immediately sparks images of grocery store checkout lines. Just like consumers choose paper or plastic for their practical needs or preference, your business may consider looking into the two specialty products when making a packaging decision for your food products.

"Style vs Function? New Packaging Technology Can Do Both | Norkol Blog "

Packaging is paramount in retail marketing, and everyone working to promote the world’s largest brands depends on it. Consumers are increasingly demanding higher levels of convenience, personalization, and environmentally-friendly packaging options from their favorite companies, and it’s necessary to leverage aesthetic and functional components in order to compete with other products on the shelf. [...]

Flexible Packaging Innovations Ahead! | Norkol Blog

Flexible packaging is one of the most convenient, impactful, and cost-effective packaging options on the market. Unfortunately, it’s only been available to large national brands with big budgets and bigger inventory – until now. For the first time available in the US, an innovative flexible packaging manufacturer is leveraging digital printing technology and a disruptive service model to bring cus [...]

"Product Matters: Commercial Printing & Publication Paper | Norkol Blog "

In any endeavor, you want to make sure you use the right tool for the job. But just like you wouldn’t use a butter knife to trim back tree branches, you also wouldn’t use a machete at the dinner table. It’s not about what’s bigger, heavier, or more expensive; it’s about what meets your needs based on your intended application. In terms of paper, your choice depends on consumer expectations, lifesp [...]

One of the Helpers | Norkol Blog | Converting & Paper Services

Mr. Rogers, one of America’s favorite television personalities, often told a story of when he was a boy and would see troubling things on the news: “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so [...]

Sustainable Packaging | Norkol | Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

In our global economy, businesses need to be able to get their products from their plant to their warehouse and to retailers across the nation and across the globe quickly without damaging the product. Damaged product also damages the bottom line, making packaging a critical player in the world economy. While environmental concern and awareness has grown in the past several years, there is still a [...]

Norkol's NAMI Partnership | National Alliance on Mental Illness

Norkol is pleased to announce that as of July 2017 we are officially partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) as a StigmaFree Company. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental health conditions. What started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table [...]